Washington State LLC Builder For Multi-Member LLCs
If you have or are thinking about going into business with others, then you know how important it is to get the right legal foundation in place for your company. A solid founda Read more....
CCPA Compliance: One Year Later
It was only one year ago that the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) went into effect. The CCPA is a landmark privacy law providing California residents various pro Read more....
CCPA Compliance: Businesses and Service Providers
The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) went into effect on January 1, 2020, and many companies (and lawyers) are scrambling to make sense of how the law will apply Read more....
Washington State COVID-19 Business Resources
This post covers Washington State COVID-19 business resources and relief. COVID-19 is having an impact on all businesses throughout the State of Washington. Below is a brief li Read more....
Entity Conversion in Washington State
Entity conversion refers to when an entity changes from one entity type to another within a state (e.g., a Washington LLC to a Washington corporation) or when an entity changes Read more....
Amazon Brand Registry – What it is and How to Enroll
Brand Protection Among the various brand protection services offered by Amazon, such as Transparency, an item-level tracing service to help protect against counterfeits, is Am Read more....
Bots and CA’s New Law – Key Takeaways
With increased attention on the development and use of bots, California’s new bot law holds some key takeaways. Most importantly, California is setting an example for oth Read more....
Startup Creation Weekend – GoVertical
Foundry Law Group has the pleasure of sponsoring the GoVertical ML/AI Startup Creation Weekend, hosted by Madrona Venture Labs and TiE Seattle. About the Event GoVertica Read more....
IoT Privacy and Data Security – Impact of New CA Laws
IoT (or Internet of Things) has seen a boom in the past several years. Connected devices such as Alexa or Siri are well known, but many more products feature connected function Read more....