Three questions to resolve before you enter a potential acquisition
One of my favorite parts about being an attorney at Foundry is the firm’s acquisition practice. Whether we are representing the buyer or seller, acquisitions are an exciting, Read more....
Are Electronic Signatures Valid in Washington?
In many instances, yes. Washington adopted the Uniform Electronic Transactions ACT (UETA) in 2020. UETA sets forth specific requirements concerning the validity of electronic s Read more....
Paid Family and Medical Leave: What do businesses need to know?
Paid Family and Medical Leave in Washington State Washington State adopted the Paid Family and Medical Leave program in 2019. This law, in short, created a system where qualifi Read more....
Does my startup need Patent or Trade Secret protection on its IP?
One of my favorite responses to any question is: “I guess I’ll have to answer your question with another question.” It’s probably the reason people generally avoid me Read more....
Starting A Food Business: From Soup to Nuts
You’re a good cook. You’ve worked in restaurants your whole life, starting as a dishwasher when you were 16 and you’ve worked your way up. You’ve been a sous chef for a Read more....
5 Reasons to Work with Foundry, So That Foundry Can Work for You
Recently, I received an email from an existing client. They had interviewed several law firms including several larger ones before deciding to engage with Foundry. They appreci Read more....
Social Purpose Corporations: Beyond the Profits
Social Purpose Corporations (SPC) are an interesting and (relatively) new corporate form available in Washington State that gives directors and officers the luxury of exploring Read more....
Relief In Sight: Liquor & Cannabis Board to Consider Rules Changes
I have been telling my cannabis industry clients and constituents for two years to be patient; the regulations which, to a great extent, have choked the development and growth Read more....
My Startup Weekend Rollercoaster Ride
Attending a Startup Weekend is like riding a rollercoaster for the first time: after you’ve attended once, you decide whether you’re a rollercoaster-person or not. If you a Read more....
An Angel Investor Reflects on a Pool of Seattle’s Startup Talent
Something momentous happened in my life at Seattle Angel Conference VI (SAC). On November 12th, 2014, together with a community of supportive investors, I officially became an Read more....