How to file a DBA in Washington State

A common question that many businesses have is how to file a DBA in Washington State. This post provides some information about DBAs and a step-by-step guide to file a DBA in Washington State

What is DBA?

A business may operate under different names for various reasons. This is known as “doing business as,” “DBA,” or a “fictitious name.”

A DBA is a name that a business operates under different than the legal name for the business. For example, a business might register with the state to form a corporation under one name but release products or services under a different name. Since the state has an interest in monitoring the names under which a business operates, setting up a DBA often requires registering with the state.

How to File a DBA in Washington State

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Step-by-Step Guide: DBAs in Washington State”]

The Washington State Department of Revenue

While business formations are carried out with the Washington Secretary of State, setting up a DBA in Washington State is done through the Department of Revenue. You will use your Secure Access Washington (SAW) credentials to log in.

Contact Foundry Law Group

Our team of business and intellectual property lawyers are ready to assist you with your business needs. Please contact us for more information.

Kamelia Vineva