The Foundry Law Group Blog

Showing results tagged with: " Terms of Service "


Hey, Foundry: are you now in Spokane?

Yes. Foundry Law Group is excited to announce its expansion into Spokane, Washington with the hiring of Spokane-based business attorney, Asif Lundstrom.  “I joined Foundry b Read more....

Make it a Policy to Protect Your Business From Privacy Threats

2016 will be remembered as the year that privacy became the buzzword small businesses took notice of. We saw the establishment of the first ever Federal Privacy Council this ye Read more....

who’s You’ve Got your Mail

Email. Simple, ordinary, convenient. As of late, the word controversial can also be used to describe this staple of office and personal communication. Given the ubiquitous natu Read more....

Businesses asking to “follow us on…” blurs the lines of social media and business assets

Many of us know that we should keep our private lives relatively separate from our work lives. However, this isn’t just a recommendation. It may very well serve as a precauti Read more....

Check the Box Licenses: Effective? We say Yes!

At Foundry we draft and review terms of service, terms and conditions, and end user license agreements on a regular basis. Each time, we are faced with the question of the best Read more....

Building User Trust through Transparent Terms of Use

Terms of Use that users consent to by just using the site— Seems rather one sided doesn’t it? Maybe that is why there is so much distrust of sites like instagram an Read more....