Washington State COVID-19 Business Resources

This post covers Washington State COVID-19 business resources and relief. COVID-19 is having an impact on all businesses throughout the State of Washington. Below is a brief list of some important resources available now for Washington businesses affected by COVID-19.


The Small Business Administration COVID-19 Business Relief

Many businesses are experiencing financial disruption because of the outbreak of Coronavirus and the effects of social distancing on businesses. Last week, Congress passed a relief bill that includes a variety of resources for small businesses, in addition to relief for individuals and others. One form of federal relief for small businesses is offered through the US Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans. Qualified borrowers receive up to $10,000 for working capital to overcome the temporary loss of revenue. Successful applicants should receive funds within three days and the loan may be forgiven. 


Apply for SBA Financial Assistance:

SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Application

Phone: 1-800-659-2955 or (TTY: 1-800-877-8339)

Email: [email protected]


The SBA also offers other guidance for businesses as well as a variety of SBA loan products and resources in addition to the Economic Injury Disaster Loans. The SBA may provide crucial financial assistance to Washington State businesses affected by Coronavirus.


Washington State COVID-19 Business Resources

The Governor’s website has a list of resources for businesses and workers impacted in Washington State. In addition to signing up to receive email updates from the Governer’s office, Washington State has also made available daily COVID-19 statistics and a list of what’s open and closed.

The Washington State Department of Revenue has a webpage dedicated to business relief, as well as tax information. Seattle’s Mayor Durkan announced an expanded Small Business Stabilization Fund for small and underserved businesses in the city to receive a grant of up to $10,000. Further, Mayor Durkan signed an emergency order temporarily halting evictions of small business and non-profit tenants in the City of Seattle. The city has also announced that Seattle Public Utilities and Seattle Cty Lights will keep up utility services and provide deferred payment plans and discount programs. Finally, Mayor Durkan announced a $1.1 million fund to invest in creative workers and arts and cultural organizations financially impacted by COVID-19.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 Guidance for Washington Businesses

The CDC published resources for businesses and employers affected by COVID-19 mainly focused on providing health-related information. The CDC offers guidance on preparing workplaces for COVID-19, as well as interim guidance covering topics such as reducing transmission among employees, maintaining healthy business operation, and various workplace policy recommendations such as model sick leave and supportive policies, and readiness assessments. It also details how to handle employees who might be sick and how to properly clean the workplace.


US Chamber of Commerce Business Resources

The US Chamber of Commerce has assembled great resources for small businesses affected by COVID-19. In addition to an overview of federal relief resources, the Chamber of Commerce has also included an excellent overview of resources for small businesses to survive during Coronavirus, including, “8 Things Your Small Business Needs to Do.”


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration Business Resources

OSHA published Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19. It includes how to classify jobs based on exposure risk and how to handle workers living abroad or traveling.


Facebook Business Resource Hub for COVID-19

Facebook has released various tips and resources for small businesses. In addition to information about managing events and social media, Facebook has set up a Small Business Grant Program where they will offer up to $100M in cash grants and ad credits. The grants might help support employees, rent costs, connecting with customers, and operational costs. Facebook has also released a Small Business Resilience Toolkit along with a Resilience Quick Action Guide.  


Google Remote Work During COVID-19

Google has several resources available covering how to effectively engage in remote work as a business. The resources cover effective communications, virtual meetings, and document sharing and collaboration. In addition, Google provides resources for teaching and working remotely. 


Stay Safe Online During COVID-19

The National Cyber Security Alliance has published tips and recommendations about how to stay safe online during the pandemic and avoid scams and cyber threats.



Check back with the Foundry Law Group blog for updates regarding Washington State COVID-19 business resources.