Foundry Law Group Blog

Is it Plagiarism to Use Chat GPT or Other AI Language Models?

The short answer is that it depends on what type of content you’re using the models to generate and whether you properly acknowledge the original source of your content.  In general, plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own without giving proper credit. Given this definition, there may be times when using Chat GPT can amount to plagiarism. You may also encounter some moral and ethical issues when using AI models as well. Let’s take a look.

Academic Writing

Academic writing is generally thought of as essays, research papers, or assignments, In these settings, directly using Chat GPT-generated responses without proper attribution could be considered plagiarism. Academic institutions typically require original work and proper citation when using external sources. Simply copying and pasting content generated by Chat GPT without acknowledgment would likely violate academic integrity guidelines.

Creative Writing

In the realm of creative writing, using Chat GPT for inspiration, idea generation, or even incorporating fragments of generated text into your work may be more acceptable. However, if substantial portions of your creative piece rely heavily on Chat GPT-generated content, it is still important to credit or acknowledge the source if you share or publish the work. Another source of issues is the fact that AI generated content can contain re-used phrases within it. If you have reason to believe that this is the case, you should try to find the original creator of the phrases and cite that source.

Personal Use and Conversations

When using AI language models for personal conversations, informal discussions, or casual writing, plagiarism is less of a concern. These models are designed to assist and generate text based on prompts, and using its responses in personal interactions is generally considered acceptable as long as you’re not presenting the generated content as your own in a formal or public context.

Moral and Ethical Issues

It’s important to note that while AI tools can provide helpful information and suggestions, it’s always a good practice to verify the accuracy and reliability of the information generated independently, especially when it comes to factual or academic matters. Ultimately, the responsibility lies with the user to ensure they are using Chat GPT ethically and in compliance with the guidelines and expectations of their specific context, be it academic, creative, or personal.

Additionally, while ChatGPT can have its accepted uses, leveraging it for such things as schoolwork, or for tasks you are being paid to do on your own, shouldn’t be the way to proceed. This is especially given the fact that teachers are now finding ways to detect when a paper has been written by AI language models.Top of Form


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